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Conversations with Robert

Conversations with Robert 1: Project Overview

Conversations with Robert 2: The Impact of Stigma and Discrimination on LGBT Aging

Conversations with Robert 3: Consequences of Stigma over the Life Course

Conversations with Robert 4: Coping and the Experience of LGBT Aging

Conversations with Robert 5: The Impact of HIV/AIDS on LGBT Aging

Conversations with Robert 6: The Flip-side of Stigma, Discussing Resiliency in LGBT Seniors

Conversations with Robert 7: LGBT Aging and Going "Back Into the Closet"

Conversations with Robert 8: The Benefits of LGBT Sensitivity Training

An End-of-Life Conversation with Dr. Brian de Vries & Dr. Gloria Gutman

Additional Videos

Gay and Grey

Safe and Visible: Creating a Care Facility Welcoming to LGBT Seniors

How the Age Care System Fails LGBTQI+ Elders

Image by Centre for Ageing Better

Additional Resources

In this section, we are pleased to help you continue on your journey to learn more about the lives of LGBTQI2S older adults!


To explore academic research on this topic click the link below and when you arrive at the site click "view HTML" for the full article.


Staying Out of the Closet: LGBT Older Adults’ Hopes and Fears in Considering End-of-Life



Additionally, please explore the many LGBTQI2S toolkits and resources:


Diversity Our Strength


Crossing the Rainbow Bridge


Qmunity Aging Out


Developing Inclusive and Affirming Care


Mental Health Resources




This project is funded through the generous support of:

CIHR Institute of Gender and Health
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